Fertilising in autumn, why is it so important for our bonsai?
Do tou know why it is so important fertilising in autumn? Little by little the summer is coming to an end and, although the heat is still intense, the nights are already beginning to be longer and cooler. Trees are starting to wake up from their summer rest and timidly resuming their growth. With warm temperatures, they regain strength and recharge with nutrients. After the trees has grown a little, it is time to fertilise, but lightly. A little compost is very nice for bonsai.
The autumn fertiliser helps our bonsai to recover from the high temperatures they have endured during the summer. We must bear in mind that over fertilising will not do any good. It is as if we are forced to eat when we do not feel hungry.
What type of fertiliser should we use in autumn?
Normally, people who use solid fertilisers for their bonsai, in autumn tend to use liquid fertilisers that are mixed with the irrigation water. This is done because pieces of solid compost take too long to decompose in the still dry and warm environment of late summer.
In any case, there is a solid fertiliser that can be great: the Hiryo Gold Maintenance. It is ideal so that the trees do not feel hungry after waking up and this granular compost breaks down quickly. Hiryo Gold Maintenance penetrates the substrate and acts efficiently. This fertiliser is effective even in the driest times of the year.
We hope that this article on our blog has helped you with the autumn fertilisation. If you think that this blog has been useful, do not forget to visit the post Is your bonsai ready for autumn? In this post you can find more information about the autumn work on bonsai.
Do not forget to follow the social networks of Mistral Bonsai so as not to miss any news.
See you in the next post!
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About the Author
Josep Maria Miquel
Josep Maria Miquel has entered the world of bonsai in 1984. He worked with Mr. Takeo Kawabe on the "Shinpaku" project. He has notably also worked with Thierry Font on the "Mates" and "Sabinas" projects, being references in the world of bonsai. Director of the Bonsái Pasión and the France Bonsaï magazines, he has mostly dedicated his career to designing production at Mistral Bonsai. In 2011 he has been awarded the "Prix Européen d'art bonsaï" in Monaco, being considered the best professional in Europe.
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